Friday, April 10, 2009

Welcome 2 New Misfits!!

J.R. Cahatol grew up Catholic, but one day a friend invited him to a public meeting. He saw his need for a savior and since then he has been doing all he can to evangelize people and bring the closer to the Lord. He has conducted a public evangelism meeting overseas, and is seasoned a door to door work. He Loves to share with others the love and compassion of Jesus. JR plans to be a nurse one day but for now he has taken the quarter off to be a Misfit!

Steffy Sigar, is a marine biologist major that attends UCLA. She has decided to take the quarter off because she also believes in sharing the Love of Jesus. She enjoys running marathons, reading and is a certified SCUBA Diver. She has decided to answer the call and whole heartedly serve the Lord by bible working as a Misfit!

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