Friday, March 6, 2009

The Greatest Miracle(s)

The Misfits and the baptismal canditates

The Misfits will never forget the Experience at Modesto Central: Some of the Highlights:

Michael picked up the phone and a random woman saw the flier and asked if she could RSVP to the Evangelistic Series. She attended faithfully and ended up getting baptized!!

Michael was the speaker for Camp Wawona's young adult weekend last April. One of Michael's friends brought up Justin who just 2 months prior expressed no interest in Spiritual matters. At the weekend retreat, Michael said something that made Justin search the Scriptures. Shortly after, and thanks mostly due to the bible studies of Pamela (Ceres Bible worker) and Godfrey (Modesto SDA Associate pastor) Justin began to warm up to God's calling in his life. Through his family and friends praying for him and 10 months later, Justin got baptized at the end of the series!

Matt and Reiko found out about the series through the Modesto Central Church website. Matt was a backslidden Adventist who married Reiko a non-Adventist. But Reiko was interested in learning more about God. They decided to attend the meetings and were one of the most faithful attendees. Matt recommitted his life to the Lord through Re-Baptism and Reiko got Baptized!

Leno never came out to the series until Lorenzo a church member invited him and he came to one of the last meeting: "Miss Universe" God's true church. that was the first call to baptism and Leno stood up for baptism. Summarizing what he said: "I know I need to join God's church"

John was invited by Richard, John was to "argue with Richard" about bible related issues. However after attending EVERY meeting of the series John surrendered his life through watery baptism.

These are just a small blurb of some of the people who surrendered their life to the Lord through the watery grave of baptism.

And all of God's people said: AMEN

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