Friday, March 13, 2009

Opening Night! "Unlocking the Mysteries Turlock Edition"

Please pray for us. The devil is attacking.

First, our 26,000+ fliers are still sitting at the post office. Turns out the post office has just been keeping them there.

Secondly, one of the contacts who really wanted to come, was arrested today and most likely will not be able to come.

So here we are on opening night, we had 70ish in attendance.

One of the greatest blessings is that one of the Misfit members: Anthony has a lot of family here who is excited to go to the meetings.

The gym of Turlock SDA (where we get dinner every evening)

Front shot of Turlock SDA

Front side shot of the church

3 Crosses outside the church

Me and my trustee apple computer

Pastor Cano welcoming everyone

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