Friday, March 6, 2009

Tribute to the Miranda's

There is a house, a family that will always be remembered. This portion of the blog is dedicated entirely to Godfrey and Debbie Miranda...oh and Kirsten too ;o)

This is what they had to endure:
Alarms going off at 345am when The Misfits would hold their morning prayer sessions.
Giving up their study room and making it a room filled with suit cases, dirty laundry and books
Giving up one of their upstairs bedrooms and making it a permanent dwelling place for the girls
Putting up with the smell of us downing garlic like gumdrops
Spilled Hot Cacao on their beautiful dining room set and "light" carpet
The constant use or misuse of us "Misfits" playing on Godfrey's family given Taylor Guitar
Having to go grocery shopping almost every other day for Food
Cold showers- since the Misfits would take a shower and use up all the hot water

In an act of thankfulness we got Godfrey, Debbie and Kirsten- gifts of good cheer:

Kirsten, Godfrey and Debbie
Godfrey with his travel pillow and card

Kirsten, Godfrey and Debbie and their "Sand Pails"

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