Friday, March 6, 2009

Modesto Central SDA Church

The Modesto Evangelistic Series was a dashing Success only because of the Holy Spirit and God's wonderful grace.

Here is a breakdown of the titles of the meetings:

1. Make Believe or Believe in the Maker (Proving the existence of God)
2. Truth or Fairy Tales (Can we trust the bible)
3. Jesus- Crazy? Con Artist? or Christ! (Proving who Jesus is)
4. Meet Mr. and Mr. Perfect (Genesis 1&2, Creation and Relationships)
5. The Third Wheel (Genesis 3, how Satan ruined the perfect relationship and brought confusion)
6. The Solution to the Confusion (How Christ was the solution to the confusion)
7. The Devil's Diary (The Devil's plan to destroy God's people: Sabbath, State of the Dead)
8. Unlocking God (God's answer to the Devil's plan)
9. Meet the Team, the Dream and the Theme (Daniel 2 & 7)
10. The Empire Strikes Back (Daniel 7 and Rev 13)
11. God's answer to the empire (Daniel 8)
12. Miss Universe (Rev 12 the True Church)
13. Lost and Found (Baptism)
14. You be the judge! (Standards, tithe, health, Being a good steward)
15. The Return of Christ (Second Coming, 144,000)

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