Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Day 1 Testimony

Anthony and Francis
-bible working Modesto

As we were door knocking we came to a special house. At first we knocked on the door and an older lady answered the door and so we tried to survey her; however, she really didn’t speak English so I was discouraged because we couldn’t speak Spanish. Then she said she had a daughter who we could talk to. Her daughter came to the door and invited us into their house. You could tell she was very happy and had a certain peace about her. We went in and sat on the couch and started talking with her and found out her name was Anabel. As we came to the last question on the survey which asks if they want to study the Bible, she seemed pretty excited and started explaining to us how she just started studying with Jehova's Witnesses and that she was really interested in end time events and prophecy. At first I didn’t think she was going to sign up for studies because she was already having studies and you could see she was debating with the decision of studying with another group; however, God gave my partner Francis the words to speak in due season that seemed to touch Anabel’s heart. Anabel decided to sign up for studies and she said it was amazing that we came at this time when she really is into Bible prophecies. We are just hoping and praying that the Holy Spirit continues to draw her and when we left I knew why she had a peace about her. She was searching for God’s truth and the Holy Spirit was working on her heart preparing her for that door knock. We were able to see the power and providence of God at that house and I can’t wait to see what else God will do


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