Friday, January 30, 2009

The Devil almost prevents the mailers from being sent out

The Misfits had another obstacle. 3 of the members went down on Sunday, part of their schedule included going to La Sierra Academy to lead out in their chapel.

Jessica and Michael had to get all the TJM receipts out.


I was wondering why God wanted us to go back to Loma Linda, I soon found out on Tuesday night I got a call from Vivid Color Media, telling us that all 33,000 pieces of our tri fold mailers are not going to be sent out because the Orange County Post office told them that the mailers have to be sent out from Stockton (over 6 hours away).

The Mailers were designed and printed in Orange County, and they needed to be transported to Stockton, I told them that I would take them up there. Zack from Vivid Color Media, dropped all the marketing materials to my house, I had to swap vehicles with Shane, we cleared out the back to haul all 33,000 pieces (see pictures)

After I went to the Turlock Post Office to get all the paperwork, I then proceeded to the Stockton Post Office. We had to drop off everything. We were concerned that they would keep the Fliers

We were so concerned about getting this out. We appealed to the Post Master and he gave us a secret stash of Yellow Tags that said: "Expedite Immediately.

God was leading and we were able to get everything done right before (like a couple of minutes) 4PM. Which helped us get the Mailers out at the nick of time

(Speaking of the nick of Time)

The Trucks that will get the mailers out

Thousands of Mailers will go to Modesto this weekend!
Please help us pray for the city and the people

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