Sunday, January 18, 2009

Testimony #2

Background: "I was waiting for my two bible contacts to start the study Thursday night. Frances and Jessica did a terrific job calling the contacts and "closing 2 young men to have bible studies" I was waiting with a third person for almost half an hour when I realized they weren't going to show up. Oh well, God is good, I had a good study with Richard and he actually said: "I believe it is providential that the other two did not show up so I could get my questions answered. I wondered whatever happened to the two individuals

Situation: Frances, Mike and Jessica were driving home Friday. Frances was driving, Jessica was in front, Mike was in the back. Jessica shouted: "Wait Guys! I think the car (it was a silver mazda 3 series) in front of us is Clinton (one of the men who was suppose to make the bible study the previous evening). He turned into his condo, when Jessica said: "That is him!! Let's talk to him." The Misfits quickly busted a you turn and Jessica ran outside and excitedly knocked on his door. It turns out, that Clinton had to stay late at work, that's the reason why he could not make the study, but was very excited that we ran into him and he expressed interest in going to the upcoming crusade and doing the bible studies next week!!

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