Monday, January 19, 2009

Sabbath at Modesto Central SDA

The Misfits Sabbaths are anything but usual. Jessica and Frances had to skip out on breakfast because they had a bible study scheduled at 9am.

Michael gave a weekly update on how things were going in the field

Frances gave a testimony of a guy who tried playing a practical joke on his roomate by "Signing him up for bible studies." So, when Frances followed up with "Joe" who wanted bible studies, the young man answered, I didn't sign up for bible studies. And Frances said: "Yes you did, I have your name, address and phone number. "Joe" then realized that his friends played a prank on him by signing him up. Frances continued to talk to him, then he realized that he was interested in bible studies! so, God was able to use someone like a twisted roomate, trying to mess around, and in turn "Joe" became interested in knowing more about the bible.

Frances and Jessica sang for special music: "here is a short clip"

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